On Forbes 2018 Summer Reading List For Marketers
“Forget delight. The key to customer loyalty is consistent execution of your value proposition. Give your customers exactly what they expect, and give it to them every time.”
Provides research-based insights into consumer behavior across a diverse series of businesses, including healthcare, food service, hotels, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and retail.
Reveals that the difference between your satisfied and dissatisfied customers is negligible in terms of their actual purchasing behavior, and that the real economic opportunity lies in your making satisfied customers highly satisfied; it’s only your highly satisfied customers who drive repeat business, higher sales, and stronger growth.
Shows that what separates your highly satisfied customers from everybody else is not their level of delight, but rather that they perceive absolutely no sense of risk that you will fail to deliver on your value proposition in every single encounter.
Presents a blueprint for identifying the key perceived risks to consumers inherent in your business and teaches you how to minimize them.
Addresses the significant organizational challenges that companies face in changing their approach from minimizing dissatisfaction across the entire customer base to maximizing the percentage of customers who are highly satisfied.
Demonstrates that excessive time and resources spent greasing the squeaky wheels of dissatisfied customers—the traditional focus of most companies’ customer relationship management efforts—may divert management attention from the real opportunity to drive sales and profits by converting satisfied customers into highly satisfied ones.

John Larson is the senior partner at John Larson & Company. Prior to starting his own firm, John held positions at McKinsey & Co., Monitor Company, Lieberman Research Worldwide and J.D. Power and Associates, specializing in the areas of Strategic Analysis, Organizational Effectiveness, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty.

Bennett McClellan is the managing consultant and chief literary officer at John Larson & Company. He is a business strategist, change catalyst, writer, and executive coach with over thirty years of experience helping business leaders achieve positive change. In the last decade, Bennett has focused on helping senior executive teams envision and create their futures.

In my work with John Larson over nearly two decades and across multiple industries, I’ve experienced firsthand the tremendous positive impact that increasing customer loyalty has on revenue, profitability, and employee satisfaction. Capturing Loyalty expands on the lessons I’ve learned and presents many practical applications of John’s unique but down-to-earth approach. It’s an absolute must read for anyone who wants to grow their business.
—Stephanie A. Streeter, former Chief Executive Officer of Banta Corporation and Libbey Inc.